@ 17-6-09 Shopping Day ... =)

Yummy Tepanyaki
Wake up damn early 2day. After having breakfast with my classmate in Pulau Tikus Market. We went to Glenegles to visit Ms. Sharon. She look very sick, Hope her recover soon. =). Then we back to segi, 4 ur dance practice again... Practice! Practice! Practice!... so tired... By the mean time we also help JIM the babi ... LOL to decorate his small counter 4 the vote stuff 1. Hmm... I got strong feeling that JIM sure voted as the President d... After that, we went to Gurney 4 SHOPPING... Yippy!!! haha... Before that due to the dance practice and also helping JIM, I was super super hungry .... =( ... I and Ying went 2 'shu ling' to take our lunch ... Hmm... The food was so Yummy and the Price was also resonable!!! ... And I finally bought that NICHE top !!! haha... cnt wait 2 wear it ... =] ... Tired but happy day...
PS: YING, Thanks & Sorry to make u hang out with me the whole day ... Take a good sleep and hope ur Job tomorrow was not tiring... Nite nitez...
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